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The Confusion

Today I was reading a book "Atomic Habits" which focuses on building habits in a more scientific and proven way and there I encounter one of the processes of building habits that is "The Habit Loop" which says that the process of building habits can be divided into four simple steps that are Cue, Craving, Response and Reward and for making a good habit you have to ensure the following four things for any habit-

The Cue part is Making it obvious.

The Craving part is Making it attractive.

The Response part is Making it easy.

The Reward part is Making it satisfying.

But then there arises a confusion that at present I don't know in which direction to work, I don't have a preset plan, I don't know whether to do an MBA or to go for higher studies, focus on my college grades to get a job after my graduation or to do a startup. The point is I don't have a system because I have no goal so how do I make it obvious, attractive, easy, or satisfying if I don't know for what I want to do this. That's it...

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Vaibhav Chitransh

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